lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2008


http:/ This web page contains complete History and Biography Listings of remarkable inventors in different fields of knowledge.

Wikipedia is another web site where you can research about the most famous inventors.


My video is in the teams' page :

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2008

Definition: Inventor, Invention and Science

INVENTOR: Someone who is the first to think of or find out something new.

INVENTION: The act of finding out or inventing; contrivance or construction of that which has not before existed, as the invention of logarithms or the invention of the aret of printing. An invention is an object, process or technique which displays an element of novelty. An invention may sometimes be based on earlier developments, collaborations or ideas and the process of invention requires at least the awareness that an existing concept or method can be modified or transformed into an invention. However, some inventions also represent a radical breakthrough in science or technology which extends the boundaries of human knowledge.

SCIENCE: Knowledge attained through study or practice, or knowledge covering general truths of the operation o general laws, which is obtained and tested through scientific method concerned with the physical world.

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008


- Put into practice the topics and content learned in class within multicultural and multidisciplinary fields.
- Use the project work as a tool to improve weak language skills.

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2008

Introduction: Inventor, Invention and Science

Today's generation is part of the beginning of globalization, especially in the field of science and technology. After the Industrial revolution, the transformation of a new society started to developed, moving us from a traditional way of living to a modernized civilization and bringing about ever more advanced technological feats and inventions. Several of humanity's greatest and most successsful technological achievements are still progressing today.

The invention of spacecraft is one of man's greatest achievements. man searched for ways to put his conceptualized ideas into practice and that gave rise to inventions. Another achievement made by man is the invention of the Internet, which has become an international information infrastructure. People from around the world can communicate thoughts easily via keyboard without inconvenience. Thus, It is a practical, fast-growing technology that connects people globally.

In conclusion, the greatest achievement made by mankind are th inventions of spacecraft and the Internet. As time continues, man will discover and achieve even more new wonders of science and technology.

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2008

Compare-Contrast essay:

Two remarkable researchers in Medicine

Two of the most important researchers in the field of Medicine were Alexander Fleming and Louis Pasteur. Both Fleming and Pasteur were throrough, highly intuitive scientists who worked in the field of research on vaccines and immunology. In spite of the fact that a rough comparison of these two researchers revealed some differences, their similarities were more important.

Although Fleming and Pasteur were similar in many ways, they also had important differences. Both did significant discoveries in Medicine. Fleming discovered penicillin, a wonder drug, that ushered in the era of antibiotics. This new weapon against bacterial disease offered hope in fighting many infections that could not be treated effectively in the past. Pasteur also did contributions to microbiology and medicine. He championed changes in hospital practices to minimize the spread of disease by microbes and he found that rabies was transmitted by agents so small they could not be seen under a microscope, thus revealing the world of viruses. As a result he developed techniques to vaccinate dogs against rabies and to treat humans bitten by rabid dogs. Moreover, he developed “pasteurization”, a process by which harmful microbes in perishable food products are destroyed using heat, without destroying food. Fleming became a lecturer at St. Mary’s for several years. Pasteur also spent several years teaching and carrying out research at Strasbourg University. Fleming gained many awards. They included The Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine, doctorate, honoris causa, degrees of almost thirty European and American universities and Honorary Gold Medal of the Royal College of Surgeons. Paster also was awarded Leeuwenhoek Medal, the highest honor in Microbiology.

However, they had many differences. Fleming was born in Scotland on August 6th, 1881, while Pasteur was born in Dole, France, on December 27, 1822. Fleming attended medical school at Saint Mary’s Hospital in London, on the other hand, Pasteur studied Chemistry at the Ecole Normale Superieure. Fleming wrote numerous papers on bacteriology, immunology and chemotheraphy, including original descriptions of lysozyme and penicillin, which were published in medical and scientific journals whereas Pasteur made breakthroughs in identifying the causes and methods of prevention in case of several diseases and he also made many discoveries in the field of chemistry. Fleming served as President of the Society of General Microbiology and he was an Honorary Member of almost all the medical and scientific societies of the world. Pasteur, in contrast, established a laboratory by his discovery of the rabies vaccine, using public funds. It became known as the Pasteur Institute and was headed by Pasteur until his death in 1888. In spite of their differences, both scientists did important discoveries to all mankind.

Although Fleming and Pasteur were different in some scientific as well as personal aspects, they shared many features that transcended these facets. Their work became the foundation for the science of microbiology and the cornerstone of modern medicine.

Profile Yanneth Gómez

I am Yanneth Gómez. I work as a Dean's administrative assistant at the Faculty of Medicine of Universidad de La Sabana. I like reading books about self improvement. I like listening to different kind of music but I prefer to listen to pop music. I like seeing comic and epic films. My favorite sports are basketball and volleyball. Currently, I am studying English because I would like working as a bilingual assistant.