viernes, 10 de octubre de 2008

Video 2

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Cause-Effect Essay

Causes of Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria

Penicillin was the first antibiotic discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928 in a significant breakthrough for medical science. Antibiotics have been critical in the fight against many diseases and bacterial infections. They are defined as any compound which either kill or severely impedes the growth of bacteria. Upon the introduction of Penicillin into general clinical practice in 1944, formerly deadly illnesses streptococcus throat and tuberculosis became instantly curable. Today, the dependence on antibiotics is absolute. But just when antibiotics have been produced in mass, bacteria started to evolve and became resistance to these medicines. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the main causes of antibiotic resistance which are drug abuse and the improper use of drugs.

The first cause of resistance could be drug abuse. There are people who believe that when they get sick, antibiotics are the answer. The more times you use a drug, the more it will decrease the effect it has on you. That is because the bacteria have found a way to avoid the effects of that antibiotic.

The second cause of antibiotic resistance is the improper use of drugs. When patients feel that the symptoms of their disease have improved, they often stop taking the drug. Just because the symptoms have disappeared it does not mean the disease has gone way. Prescribed drugs should be taken until all the medicine is gone so the disease is completely finished. If it is not, then this will just give the bacteria some time to find a way to avoid the effects of the drug.

As you can see, the causes of antibiotic resistance which are drug abuse and the improper use of drugs decrease the effects of antibiotics. However, efforts are being made to slow it. Improving infection control, discovering new antibiotics and taking drugs more appropriately are ways to prevent resistant bacteria from spreading.